Tag Archive: funny

Moral Of The Movie 2

Most movies boil down to one idea, sometimes that idea is shit. Here’s where we find out….

Shame of the Week: How I missed my first plane

This is the story of my first bullshit based professional embarrassment. Enjoy.

The phone that EE really didn’t want to send me.

I did something to someone in that company, clearly.

10 minor irritations we can never escape.

These are all true.

Same shit, different transport.

This happened to me today, I’m still not over it, but here it is.

How covering a cat’s ass is a further fall of humanity.

There are no words.

5 kinds of people I don’t want to see in public.

I’ve always been a bit of a ‘weird magnet’. But I live in the hope that I can avoid the following five.

Love / Hate Challenge.

Here are 10 things I love and 10 things I hate and a little bit about what happens when I get asked nice things.

We need to talk: the only 3 important things in the GoT finale. *spoilers*

There are only three things that have to be discussed, and one conclusion to be drawn. Spoilers ahead.

60 of my layman thoughts as I watched Game of Thrones. (S05E08)

I’m not a Game of Thrones fan, so I don’t 100% know what they’ve all been doing up until now, but no-one deserves this.
