Tag Archive: embarrassing

Same shit, different transport.

This happened to me today, I’m still not over it, but here it is.

5 kinds of people I don’t want to see in public.

I’ve always been a bit of a ‘weird magnet’. But I live in the hope that I can avoid the following five.

Shame of the week: Man Vs Boat.

I mean, who doesn’t like a story about assaulting an old woman’s feet and almost drowning?

All the ways your penis hates you.

Let me just kick this off by saying that having a dick is great. Genuinely, I shit you not, and not even in a “who-ho, chauvinism!” kind of way. My penis is one… Continue reading

Shame of the week: Supermarket checkout, supermarket dick out.

**Given the poll results from my last “shame of the week” post it seems that you’re wondering how I managed to have my dick out without actually getting my dick out in front… Continue reading

Shame of the week: The Funeral Rap incident.

How many ridiculous things can actually happen to one man? This is a question that can be answered – week to week – based on how much I’m allowed to leave the house and… Continue reading

“Admitting this is going to embarrass me…I can tell”

There are certain times that I know I’m an idiot. One such moment of clarity came to me when I was creaming myself (writing that down just revealed a sexual connotation I have… Continue reading